Fermentation Pro

Ginger Raspberry Kombucha Recipe

Ginger Raspberry Kombucha Recipe

If you enjoy having a mild gingery beverage like ginger ale but would like to cut back on sugar, then you will love this ginger raspberry Kombucha recipe. This recipe combines the spiciness of ginger with the subtle sweetness of raspberry and the pleasant tartness of Kombucha. The result is a ginger raspberry Kombucha drink that is light, energizing, and definitely delicious. It is also cost-effective and easy to make so you can have fun and get good results even if it’s your first attempt at flavoring Kombucha at home. 

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Health Benefits


Ginger is considered one of the most popular and healthiest spices in the world. It is particularly high in gingerol, a compound that is known to aid in digestion, reduce nausea, and help protect the body against flu and common colds. Adding ginger to foods and beverages can also help in soothing sore muscles and easing arthritis symptoms and period pains. Moreover, it can provide immunity against germs, lower blood sugar, and reduce the risks of heart diseases. It may be effective against certain types of cancers like pancreatic cancer and liver cancer as well. 

Ginger Raspberry Kombucha Recipe


Raspberries are low-sugar fruit that is high in vitamin C. This vitamin is widely known for its immunity-boosting effects and ability to maintain skin health and encourage collagen production. They also have manganese and vitamin K which are both beneficial for bone health. Moreover, raspberries contain antioxidants linked to reduced risks of heart disease, cancers, disease, obesity, and inflammation. They are widely recognized as an anti-aging fruit and are high in fiber which is beneficial for good digestive health. Eating raspberries may prevent diabetes and counter oxidative stress that can cause Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s too. 

Ginger Raspberry Kombucha Recipe

How To Make Ginger Raspberry Kombucha

Ginger Raspberry Kombucha is generally easy to make and only requires three ingredients namely ginger, raspberry, and Kombucha which has finished its first fermentation.

Kombucha is a health-boosting beverage that undergoes two fermentation processes namely the first fermentation (F1) and second fermentation (F2). During the first fermentation, the sweet tea in the Kombucha mixture is converted to Kombucha by the Kombucha culture or SCOBY. After the first fermentation, the Kombucha undergoes the second fermentation for flavoring and carbonation. 

Fermenting Kombucha at home is generally easy but there are specific factors that you have to pay attention to like temperature, sugar, and more. If it’s your first time doing a second fermentation at home, you can check our complete guide here for reference. 

Ginger Raspberry Kombucha Recipe

Ginger Raspberry Kombucha Recipe

This ginger raspberry Kombucha recipe is for 1 gallon of Kombucha.1 gallon of Kombucha is enough to fill six 16 oz. fermentation bottles. 
If you have less or more Kombucha required in this recipe, adjustthe amount of the ingredients accordingly. 
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2nd fermentation 3 d
Total Time 3 d
Course Drinks
Cuisine American
Servings 6


  • 1 Homebrewing kit This is for 1st fermentation
  • 1 Heating mat This is for 1st fermentation
  • 1 Boochsleeve This is for 1st fermentation
  • 1 Bottlebrush kit To clean your bottles
  • 6 Bottles (16 oz.) or 2 Growlers (½ gallon)
  • 1 Funnel For the 2nd fermentation process
  • 1 Mesh strain colander For the 2nd fermentation process
  • 1 PBW cleaner To clean your bottles



  • Clean your bottles
    Dilute your PBW cleaner in water as instructed on the productlabel. Take your bottle brush kit and scrub the bottles with the PBW cleaneruntil clean. Rinse your bottles and allow them to dry completely before addingany ingredients. 
  • Prepare your ingredients 
    Get a small bowl and mash the raspberries until they have brokendown. You may use fresh or frozen raspberries for this recipe. If you are usingfrozen raspberries, make sure to thaw them to room temperature first beforeblending. For the ginger, begin by peeling it with a small knife. After peeling, chop or grate your ginger. Divide your flavorings into six portionsand get ready to bottle. 
  • Add the mashed raspberries and chopped orgrated ginger into the bottle
    Add one portion of your flavoring to each bottle. You can add orlessen the flavorings on each bottle if you want a variation on your flavored Kombucha’s taste. 
  • Fill your bottle with Kombucha liquid 
    Using a funnel, slowly pour the Kombucha liquid into the bottles.You may use a mesh strainer colander or a smaller strainer before pouring the Kombucha liquid into the bottles to remove the excess yeast. Leave about ½ to 1inch of headspace on your bottles for good carbonation buildup. Give your Kombucha a slight shake to mix the ingredients and set aside the remaining Kombucha liquid for your next brew. 
  • Ferment 
    Shut your fermentation bottles making sure that no carbon dioxidecan escape. Store your Kombucha in a fermentation station at room temperaturebetween 60℉ to 85℉. Allow your Kombucha to ferment for 3 to 14days depending on the carbonation and your preferred taste. If you arefermenting at a relatively cool place or want to brew your Kombucha underwarmer temperatures, you may use a heating mat. 
  • Store your finished Kombucha in the refrigerator 
    Once your bottled Kombucha reaches the perfect sweet and tartflavor for you, move and keep your Kombucha ferments in the refrigerator.Refrigerators have a cold temperature that can prevent Kombucha fromfermenting. The cold temperature can preserve your Kombucha’s taste so you canconsume them for a relatively long time. 
  • Serve and enjoy 
    When serving Kombucha, you may see floating residues from theyeast and flavorings. You may strain these residues before serving if you arefeeling uncomfortable. 
Keyword ginger, kombucha, raspberry
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How to level up the taste

Ginger Raspberry Kombucha is already a great drink on its own but there are still some things that you can do to give this flavored Kombucha a more powerful flavor kick. 

For a stronger ginger flavor, we recommend using ground ginger rather than fresh ginger. Ground ginger can give Kombucha a stronger taste because it can easily mix with the Kombucha liquid. To use ground ginger for your ginger raspberry Kombucha, simply replace 1 tbsp of fresh garlic with ¼ to ½ tsp. of ground ginger. 


Instead of smashing raspberries, you may also opt to make a sweetened raspberry flavoring by cooking raspberries with ⅛ cup of sugar and some water. The added sugar can boost yeast activity and give Kombucha a stronger taste.

Furthermore, you may add 1 to 2 fresh mint leaves per Kombucha bottle for a more refreshing taste.

Ginger Raspberry Kombucha Recipe

Featured Product

The J’s Raspberry lime ginger Kombucha is bursting with the goodness of fruits and gut-nourishing benefits of Kombucha. It is organically produced and only has 90 calories per 1 can of 12 oz. 

This Organic Raw Kombucha gingerade from GT’s is organically produced and is made with fresh pressed ginger and juice which makes it a great gingery beverage for all seasons. It is also packed with health benefits from ginger and raw Kombucha. 

GT’s synergy raspberry chia Kombucha gives a sweet and bold blend of freshly pressed raspberries and raw Kombucha. It also contains raw chia seeds that give additional digestive benefits.

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Hi, we are Benga and Lunide. We are a couple with a passion for health and fitness. Lunide has competed in multiple running races and triathlons and Benga is a former collegiate track and field athlete who now maintains a workout regime to stay fit.  Read more

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