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How to Make Kombucha Taste Better

How to Make Kombucha Taste Better

Let’s be honest, Kombucha’s unique vinegary taste is not for everyone. The truth is, most people start drinking Kombucha not for its taste but for its health benefits. More often than not, newbie drinkers need to drink Kombucha for a couple of days, weeks, months, and even years before its taste grows on them. 

If you are a newbie Kombucha drinker yourself and are not yet used to drinking Kombucha, that’s absolutely fine. Do not feel pressured to like Kombucha right away. The key is to always take it gradually until your body fully adjusts to it.

However, if you are still having an extra hard time drinking Kombucha because of its taste, don’t worry because there are actually various ways to make it taste better! 

In this article, we’ll be taking you through the different methods of improving Kombucha’s taste so you can still enjoy Kombucha’s benefits minus the strong taste.

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How to Make Kombucha Taste Better

Home Brewing Kombucha certainly has its perks. One of them is being able to control and make Kombucha a lot tastier. Below, we discuss the different ways to make homemade Kombucha taste better. 

Ferment your Kombucha for the second time

Kombucha can undergo two to three fermentation processes depending on the type and goals of the brewer. The first fermentation is always for making the Kombucha. Kombucha from the first fermentation is healthy and absolutely safe to drink. However, it has Kombucha’s signature strong taste that could be too overwhelming depending on the length of fermentation. That’s why many homebrewers opt to brew their Kombucha for the second time. 

The secondary fermentation is done after the first fermentation is complete. It is the process through which you encourage carbonation and add flavorings to your Kombucha. On the other hand, the third fermentation is optional and is often done to increase the alcohol content of the Kombucha. 

Among these three fermentation processes, the best time to make your Kombucha tastier is during the secondary fermentation. 

Adding carbonation to Kombucha doesn’t necessarily make it taste better but it does add texture to the beverage and makes it more enjoyable to drink. In addition to adding texture, fizzy Kombucha introduces bubbles to your stomach that triggers burping. Certain people may find this effect helpful in relieving stomach aches and other digestive-related issues. 

How do you make kombucha taste less vinegary?

How to Make Kombucha Taste Better
How to Make Kombucha Taste Better

The best way to enhance Kombucha’s taste less vinegary is by adding flavorings to it. As mentioned, secondary fermentation makes it possible for you to add any types of flavorings as long as they are safe.

Below are the different kinds of flavorings you can add to your Kombucha.

  • Blended, juiced, or pureed fruits and vegetable 
  • Fresh, frozen, or dried fruit and vegetable chunks or slices
  • Store-bought juices
  • Herbs and spices 
  • Pure essential oils

Pure, blended, juiced, or pureed flavorings are always the best options because they can easily be mixed with the Kombucha. On the other hand, fruit chunks or slices can only add subtle flavors to Kombucha. 

Feel free to add any kind of flavorings to your Kombucha. Here are our best newbie-friendly flavor recommendations for you. 

  • Fruits
    • Orange 
    • Persimmon 
    • Passion fruit 
    • Strawberry 
    • Blueberry 
    • Melon
    • Apple
    • Grapefruit 
    • Pineapple 
    • Cherry
  • Vegetables 
    • Carrot 
    • Red beets 
  • Herbs and spices 
    • Ginger 
    • Cinnamon 
    • Vanilla 
    • Rosemary
    • Mint
  • Essential Oils 
    • Lavender 
    • Eucalyptus
    • Lemon

You may also experiment or mix and match these flavorings. Check out our favorite Kombucha flavor combinations below. 

  • Apple and Cinnamon / Apple Juice and Cinnamon
  • Strawberries and Basil / Strawberries and Mint
  • Carrots and Ginger 
  • Mango and Lime 
  • Blackberry and Lavender

A quick rule of the thumb is to add only 10% to 20% of flavorings for every Kombucha bottle. That means that for every 16 oz. of Kombucha,  only add 1.6 oz. to 3.2 oz. of flavoring. Flavorings may contain added sugars, which will help with the carbonation buildup. 

If you don’t want any flavoring residues, you can always strain your flavorings and only add the juice. When adding liquid flavorings, you can incorporate them without straining. 

Add sweeteners

Adding sweeteners to the secondary fermentation can give your Kombucha extra sweetness that can be more appealing to newbie drinkers. During the first fermentation, the sugar is consumed by the yeast, therefore the Kombucha may only contain little amounts of sugar in the end brew. 

How to Make Kombucha Taste Better
How to Make Kombucha Taste Better

During the secondary fermentation, you can add about ¼ to 1 tsp. of sugar per 16 oz. of Kombucha. It is highly advised to not add too much sugar as it can disrupt the balance between the yeast and bacteria in the brew and stop the fermentation. 

Apart from sugar, you may also opt to use other sweeteners such as:

  • Honey 
  • Maple Syrup 
  • Agave 

To use these sweeteners as an alternative for sugar, you should use ¾ tsp. of them to substitute for every 1 tsp. of sugar. 

Brew your Kombucha for a shorter time

Essentially, the longer you brew Kombucha, the stronger taste and acidity it forms. The first fermentation of Kombucha can take about 7 to 30 days. Kombucha that is only brewed for seven days can have a relatively light taste that can be more palatable for beginners. 

However, short fermented Kombucha may not contain the same health benefits as Kombucha brewed for a longer time. 

What Is the Best Way to Drink Kombucha?

Just like other beverages, there are also many ways to drink Kombucha. You can feel free to drink Kombucha the way you want to as long as you do not exceed the recommended amount of daily intake. The recommended daily amount of Kombucha intake is 12 oz. However, long-term Kombucha drinkers may drink up to 16 oz. daily.

Kombucha is just like any type of beverage and you can always experiment, add, or mix and match Kombucha with a variety of food and other drinks. Below we’ve rounded up the best ways to drink Kombucha.

Drink it plain

If you are after Kombucha’s health benefits, then drinking it plain is the best way. However, some may have a different opinion especially because plain Kombucha can have a strong acidic taste that is not usual in the daily beverages we normally enjoy. Nevertheless, if you can, we highly encourage you to drink Kombucha on its own to maximize its health benefits. 

The key to getting your body accustomed to plain Kombucha is to drink it in small amounts and gradually increase the amount of intake over time. Different bodies can have varying reactions to Kombucha, so it’s best to take it slow and observe how your body reacts to this substance.

Pair Kombucha with your favorite food

How to Make Kombucha Taste Better

Despite having a strong unique taste, Kombucha can still go well with a variety of food. Some of our favorite foods to partner with Kombucha are:

  • Salad 
  • Cheese
  • Sandwich 
  • Roasted meat 
  • Chocolate 
  • Fermented vegetables like kimchi 

You can drink Kombucha after or before eating. Kombucha is safe to drink with any food so do not be afraid to match this healthy beverage to your meals.

What Can I Add to Kombucha to Make it Taste Better?

If your Kombucha’s taste is still too strong for you after the second fermentation, you may opt to add extra flavorings and sweeteners before drinking it. 

However, do not add too much of these as they may cause too much sugar intake leading to unexpected weight gain. If you can, gradually decrease the number of flavorings and sugar you add until you are fully accustomed to the taste of Kombucha. 

Mix your booch with other beverages

Mixing your Kombucha with other beverages you enjoy can certainly level up its taste. It may also help you get accustomed to Kombucha’s taste faster. You can mix Kombucha with almost any beverage with fruity or herbal flavors such as sparkling water or juice, fruit sodas, and ginger ale.

There are no perfect ratios or recipes when mixing Kombucha with other beverages. However, we suggest adding only minimal amounts of them to your Kombucha in order to achieve the optimal benefits of this health promoting drink.

Drink Kombucha with some booze

Believe it or not, Kombucha can be consumed with booze. Because of Kombucha’s unique tartness, it can go well with sour cocktails like margarita and kamikaze. You can also make your special flavored cocktail with some citrus like lemon or orange, Kombucha and some vodka. 

In case you want more Kombucha cocktail ideas, here are some must trys! 

  • Kombucha Citrus Sangria 
  • Kombucha Margarita Cocktail
  • Strawberry Vodka or Mojito Kombucha Cocktail 
  • Kombucha Whiskey Cocktail
  • Kombucha Highball Cocktail

When adding Kombucha to alcoholic drinks, we suggest adding it last to preserve its carbonations. Additionally, it’s best to use plain Kombucha in mixing cocktails so you can fully customize the taste. 

If you don’t feel like adding Kombucha to your cocktails, you can use Kombucha as a chaser for your alcohol. Chasers neutralize the taste of hard liquors so that it can minimize the burning sensation. It is usually taken after a sip or shot of liquor, 

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Hi, we are Benga and Lunide. We are a couple with a passion for health and fitness. Lunide has competed in multiple running races and triathlons and Benga is a former collegiate track and field athlete who now maintains a workout regime to stay fit.  Read more