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What Are the Benefits of GT’s Synergy Kombucha?

If you’ve never tried GT’s Synergy Kombucha before, then you are missing out. GT’s synergy Kombucha is the go-to Kombucha drink that is great for both newbie and long term Kombucha drinkers. It is certified organic and full of probiotics that can fight off bad bacteria inside the body. 

In addition to probiotics, it is also filled with antioxidants from its tea content. Some of the most vital benefits of the antioxidants in synergy Kombucha are improved brain function, lower risk of cancer and heart disease, and potential weight loss. You can also enjoy added health benefits from the organic flavorings added to this beverage. For instance, GT’s synergy Kombucha with ginger flavoring can help with inflammation, prevent heart disease and many more. 

Due to synergy Kombucha’s benefits, it is not surprising that the GT’s has already titled a spot in the best selling and the most popular Kombucha brands for over 25 years. In today’s post, let’s get to know more about GT’s synergy Kombucha’s benefits.

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What Is GT’s Synergy Kombucha?

Synergy Kombucha is a variety of Kombucha popularied and produced by the beverage company, GT’s. It is made with a combination of black and green tea, kiwi juice, and assorted organic flavorings. It offers a lighter and smoother taste compared to other varieties of Kombucha. In addition, GT’s synergy Kombucha is considered non alcoholic and safe for both children and adults. 

According to the GT’s website, GT’s synergy raw Kombucha is fermented for a total of 30 days. They also claim that this drink is unheated, undiluted, and uncompromised containing 18x more probiotics than the next leading commercial Kombucha brand. 

Moreover, GT’s synergy Kombucha comes in a variety of flavors so every Kombucha drinker can definitely find a flavor that suits their taste. These various refreshing flavors can also help new Kombucha drinkers to adjust to Kombucha’s taste faster and make drinking this health elixir more enjoyable. GT’s offer a total of 32 flavors of Kombucha that are widely available in many health stores, groceries, and online stores in the US and many parts of the world. 

To check the whole list of GT’s available flavors, you can check this link to their website. 

According to Ranker, a worldwide fan-powered rangking website, the top 10 best Gt’s Synergy Kombucha flavors are:

  1. Guava Goddess
  2. Trilogy 
  3. Passionberry Bliss
  4. Strawberry Serenity
  5. Mystic Mango 
  6. Gingerberry 
  7. Gingerade
  8. Cosmic Cranberry 
  9. Raspberry Chia 
  10. Cherry Chia 

What Are the Benefits of GT’s Synergy Kombucha?

GT’s synergy Kombucha offers similar health benefits from drinking regular Kombucha. However, it can provide more benefits because of its organic flavors. Below, we discuss the benefits of GT’s synergy Kombucha in more detail. 

GT’s Synergy Kombucha is a good source of probiotics

GT’s synergy Kombucha is brewed for 30 days and is traditionally cultured in small five-gallon batches using a Himalayan Mother SCOBY. With GT’s outstanding brewing techniques, their synergy Kombuchas contain billions of living probiotics that can improve digestion, boost energy, and boost physical and mental health.

According to a study, probiotics are linked to gut microbiome restoration and prevention of gut inflammation as well as other intestinal related diseases. Probiotics produce antimicrobial compounds that fight off the growth of bad bacteria in the body particularly in the digestive system. With the probiotics in GT’s synergy Kombucha, you can experience digestive benefits like:

Weight loss
  • Improved digestive function 
  • Reduced risk of diarrhea and other digestive related issues 
  • Potential weight loss 

By improving digestion, probiotics can also boost energy because the food is properly digested. This means that all the nutrients in the food can be properly absorbed by the body. Probiotics’ ability to repair the gut and reduce inflammation can also help to achieve higher energy levels. 

Furthermore, probiotics are currently being associated with improved mental health. According to healthline, microorganisms living in the gut like probiotics can produce and express neurotransmitters that may affect appetite, mood, and even sleep habits. It can also reduce inflammation in the body which can cause depression. 

GT’s Synergy Kombucha Contains Antioxidant Properties

Synergy Kombucha contains a blend of black and green tea which are full of antioxidants. This tea content gives GT’S synergy Kombucha its antioxidant properties that can help the body in many ways. 

Black and green tea contain polyphenols which are chemical compounds that act as antioxidants. Antioxidants are molecules that can fight free radicals that can harm the healthy cells in your body. 

With the antioxidants from the tea content of GT’s synergy Kombucha, you can enjoy the benefits of:

  • Lower risk of cancer and heart diseases 
  • Improved brain function
  • Potential weight loss 

The tea content can also give Kombucha some caffeine. Although it’s extremely low, caffeine can still give you a slow boost of energy and keep you awake.

Does Kombucha Expire?

GT’s Synergy Kombucha Contains Added Health Benefits From Its Flavorings

Apart from improving the taste of Kombucha, the flavorings used in GT’s synergy Kombucha can also add health benefits to this drink. 


GT’s uses a variety of flavorings in their synergy Kombucha. These flavorings include herbs, spices, fruits, and even seeds. Below we’ve listed down some of the most popular and unique flavorings used in GT’s synergy Kombucha as well as their health benefits. 


  • Ginger (Gingerade, Gingerberry, Tangerine Dream, Hibiscus Ginger, Carrot Turmeric, Sublime Lime) 
    • Ginger acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. It can prevent chronic diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease, and lung disease. Moreover, it is linked to healthy aging.
  • Raspberry (Trilogy, Raspberry Chia)
  • Cranberry (Cosmic Cranberry) 
    • This fruit has high nutritional and antioxidant content. It can also lower risk of urinary tract infection and certain types of cancer. Additionally, it can improve immune function and lower blood pressure. 
Fresh blueberries


  •  Blueberry (Gingerberry)
    • Blueberry is a nutrient powerhouse containing fiber, folate, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and phytonutrients. These substances can help support heart health and reduce blood cholesterol as well as risks of heart diseases. 
  • Guava (Guava Goddess)
    • This underrated fruit is  abundant with vitamins and nutrients that can help the body in a number of ways. Guava contains vitamin C that is higher than oranges. It also contains nutrients such as iron, calcium, vitamin A, and potassium. Taking guava flavored Kombucha may help improve digestion and the immune system. 
  • Cayenne (Sublime Lime)
    • Cayenne is a famous spice that is also beneficial to health. This spice can boost metabolism, reduce hunger, lower blood pressure, and aid in digestion. 
  • Pineapple (Golden pineapple) 
    • Pineapple is one of the most loved tropical fruits in the world. This fruit contains nutrients like fiber, vitamin C, manganese, vitamin B6, and more. It is also full of antioxidants that fight heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. 
  • Chia (Raspberry Chia, Grape Chia) 
    • Chia seeds contain an antioxidant called quercetin which is known to reduce the risk of different health issues like heart disease. They are also high in fiber that can lower blood pressure.
  • Lemon (Trilogy, Strawberry Lemonade, Lemon Berry) 
    • If you are looking for a drink that is high in vitamin C, GT’s synergy Kombuchas flavored with lemon like strawberry lemonade and lemon berry are perfect for you. These drinks contain lemon that is rich in vitamin C, fiber, and other healthy compounds that can prevent diseases like kidney stones, anemia, and cancer. It can also support heart health and improve digestive health.
  • Hibiscus (Hibiscus Ginger) 
    • Hibiscus is the best flavor for people who are trying to fight inflammation in their body and lower cholesterol. The antioxidants in this flower can also fight bacteria and boost liver health. 

Is GT’s Synergy Kombucha Good for You?

In general, GT’s synergy Kombucha is good for you, however there are still some risks that you need to know first before consuming this healthy drink.

Compared to other brands of Kombucha that only contain up to 10g or less of sugar per bottle, a bottle of GT’s synergy Kombucha contains 14 to 20 grams of sugar. Although this is not a big issue especially because of the many health benefits of GT’s synergy Kombucha, it is still better to be aware of this fact and limit your consumption to only 1 bottle for one to two days. 

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends limiting daily sugar consumption to only 6 teaspoons or 24 grams for women and 9 teaspoons or 36 grams for men.Consuming sugar that is more than this recommended amounts can cause different diseases like:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Fatty liver
Man's Hand Measure Glucose Level Close up

Can You Drink Synergy Kombucha Everyday?

Each bottle of GT’s synergy Kombucha contains 16 oz. of Kombucha. This is more than the recommended amount for consumption which is just 12 oz daily, or less. Hence, it is best to drink 16 oz. of GT’s synergy Kombucha in two days to prevent overconsumption. Consuming too much Kombucha in a day may cause adverse side effects like:


  • Digestive issues 
  • Allergic reactions 
  • Nausea 
  • Vomiting

What Happens When You Drink Kombucha Everyday?


Drinking Kombucha every day is safe and healthy if you drink it correctly. If you plan to drink Kombucha everyday,  be aware of how much Kombucha you drink a day to prevent overconsumption. Again, the recommended amount of Kombucha for daily consumption is just 12 oz. 


Additionally, you have to consider your body’s reaction to Kombucha. For instance, if you have a sensitive stomach, you might want to divide 12 oz. of Kombucha into three portions and drink them at different times of the day. You may also lessen the total amount of your Kombucha consumption in a day.

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Hi, we are Benga and Lunide. We are a couple with a passion for health and fitness. Lunide has competed in multiple running races and triathlons and Benga is a former collegiate track and field athlete who now maintains a workout regime to stay fit.  Read more

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