Fermentation Pro

Will Kombucha Lower Blood Pressure?

Will Kombucha Lower Blood Pressure? Blog Cover

Made from a fermented mixture of sugar and black or green tea, Kombucha is consumed worldwide. It is not just enjoyed by people who indulge in summertime refreshments but also by those who want to maintain healthy lifestyles. Medical evidence suggests that this fizzy drink has elements that help prevent many health conditions, ranging from minor hair loss issues to major illnesses like cancer.

As old age approaches, many fear the onset of hypertensive diseases or those related to blood pressure. High blood pressure can increase the risk of severe heart problems, such as heart attacks or strokes. Since Kombucha benefits blood pressure, with a regular yet moderate intake, you may be able to lower blood pressure with Kombucha.

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Is Kombucha Good For High Blood Pressure?

Is Kombucha Good For High Blood Pressure?
Pomegranate and green tea kombucha with lavender

If you suffer from high blood pressure or other diseases because of it, your doctor may have recommended you a diet high in probiotics. This is where Kombucha comes in. You will noticeably lower blood pressure with Kombucha, provided you maintain regular consumption.

"Kombucha is suitable for high blood pressure as it contains a healthy dose of Vitamin B and antioxidants such as polyphenols."

While the antioxidants from green tea regulate the body’s blood pressure, they also aid in other aspects of improving human health. The antioxidants in Kombucha protect your tissues from cellular damage, hence improving immunity. Many people claim that Kombucha aids digestion and helps those with diarrhea or IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). As Kombucha assists in detoxification, provides energy, improves immunity, and prevents many gastric, liver, and kidney diseases, it can cause an indirect decrease in hypertension. A healthy gut and nervous system work together to reduce hypertension and treat high blood pressure and related ailments like dizziness and headaches.

To a significant value, Kombucha benefits blood pressure by lowering the systolic (upper reading) and diastolic (lower reading) pressures. While lowering blood pressure with Kombucha, you are also likely to see improvements or prevention in diabetes, arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, headaches, fatigue, and irritability.

Is Kombucha Good For Your Heart?

Is Kombucha Good For Your Heart?​

According to a survey study by the World Health Organization in 2019, heart disease was the world’s leading cause of death, followed by stroke. After peoples’ numerous experiences with lowering blood pressure with Kombucha, it was concluded that this fermented beverage reduces the risks of heart problems. Additionally, the ability of Kombucha to lower body cholesterol levels simultaneously reduces the chances of developing a heart attack or a stroke.

Regular intake of this potential source of probiotics for up to 30 days is known to reduce the primary markers of heart disease. Kombucha benefits blood pressure, reduces LDL or low-density lipids (bad cholesterol), and increases HDL or high-density lipids (good cholesterol). The oxidation of LDL cholesterol molecules contributes to the growing cases of heart disease. In addition to decreasing LDL content in the blood, this fermented beverage prevents the LDL cholesterol molecules from oxidizing.

A study in France in 2014  has gathered evidence over the years, proving that the risk of developing heart disease is reduced by 24% amongst people who regularly consume green tea. Since Kombucha is a fermented green/black tea with additional benefits, these statistics can also be applied to this beverage. You can reap the benefits of both types of tea, depending on which tea Kombucha is made of.

Can You Take Probiotics If You Have High Blood Pressure?

Can You Take Probiotics If You Have High Blood Pressure?

After years of research, scientists have established the proper links between blood pressure and probiotics. Around 540 people with normal or increased blood pressures were examined for a study. They were given a healthy dose of probiotics. It was seen that these people had significantly lower systolic (upper reading) and diastolic (lower reading) blood pressure as compared to those who weren’t given the probiotic dose.

Since Kombucha offers a good amount of probiotics, about 10 billion CFU per gram, many people have resorted to lowering their blood pressure with Kombucha. Other alternatives high in probiotics that people may consume with or in place of Kombucha include specific yogurt, fermented sour milk and cheese, and other supplements. Another study showed that probiotic foods with multiple types of bacteria cause a more significant decrease in blood pressure than those with a single type of bacteria.

Kombucha contains several species of bacteria, such as the acetobacters, the saccharomyces, the Brettanomyces, the gluconacetobacters, the lactobacillus, the pediococcus, and the zygosaccharomyces. These species of bacteria aid in lowering blood pressure with Kombucha.

To achieve the beneficial effects on blood pressure, consuming the drink regularly in a limited amount for over eight weeks is recommended. Although this study has not concluded how the probiotics in Kombucha benefit blood pressure, there was a remarkable decrease in blood pressure with the increased consumption of probiotics.

Is It Okay To Drink Kombucha Every Day?

Everything in its excess is harmful to your body, including Kombucha. While Kombucha benefits blood pressure with a regulated intake, an excessive intake has side effects. Indulging in a daily intake of Kombucha may not be wise if you are drinking more than two 8-ounce (240 ml) servings daily. By limiting your consumption of this fermented beverage, you will be able to reap its full benefits without consuming excessive calories.

"It is imperative to always read the labels on the bottle before buying them to maintain a conscious diet."

Most Kombucha bottles sold in the market contain about 16 ounces or 480 ml of drink. Keep in mind that this is considered 2 servings, so the stated calorie amount will typically be for half the bottle. It is imperative to always read the labels on the bottle before buying them to maintain a conscious diet. For example, choose the ones that contain no more than 50 calories per serving, less than 4 grams of sugar per serving, and are stored in dark glass containers. Since it is known that Kombucha lowers high blood pressure via its high content of probiotics, opaque glass containers are essential to preserve the probiotics and prevent light damage.

Excessive consumption of Kombucha may have adverse effects, such as:

1. Bloating and Digestive Problems

In moderation, Kombucha benefits blood pressure and digestive health. When consumed excessively, this carbonated drink may lead to bloating and digestive stress in those with IBS.

2. Excessive Caffeine Consumption

The considerably average caffeine content in Kombucha might have side effects on those with a high sensitivity to caffeine; since it contains 8-14 mg of caffeine in an 8-ounce serving. These people may get anxiety or jitters if they consume too much Kombucha.

3. Excessive Calorie Consumption

If your choice of store-bought Kombucha is high in calories, you may be likely to develop health problems such as obesity and other resultant health disorders. Liquid calories tend to fill your stomach sooner while delivering fewer nutritional value.

4. Excessive Sugar Consumption

The added sugar in Kombucha enhances the taste of this fermented drink. However, sugar-sweetened beverages are the root cause of increased cases of diabetes, fatty liver, heart disease, and obesity.

5. Unsuitable for those with Weak Immunity

While Kombucha helps to maintain a healthy immune system for those with strong immunity, it may not be suitable for those who are weak in this regard. These people may be patients with cancer, HIV, or kidney diseases. Although rare, severe allergies and infections have been reported in such cases. 

Want to know the best time to drink Kombucha? You may read our article here.


Kombucha lowers blood pressure by about 3.6 mm Hg systolic and 2.4 mm Hg diastolic. Coupled with its additional benefits, Kombucha serves as a perfect beverage in moderate quantities. Its gluten-free, organic, vegan, and raw formula has been rapidly gaining well-deserved popularity all around the world. While kombucha’s effects on blood pressure has few scientific studies, surveys conducted on the Kombucha-consuming population have led us to believe that Kombucha changes life for the better, provided the intake is sensible.

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