Fermentation Pro

Can Dogs Drink Kombucha?

Can Dogs Drink Kombucha

Are you a dog parent who likes to drink Kombucha and wonders if your little pup can also reap the health benefits of this drink? If yes, you’ve just found the article that has all the information you need.

First and foremost, can dogs really drink Kombucha? The short answer is yes. Kombucha is safe and healthy for dogs as long as it is given in moderation. Compared to human beings, dogs only need small amounts of Kombucha to reap its health benefits. When given properly, Kombucha can provide your pooch with probiotic benefits, antioxidants, B vitamins, and trace minerals.

Giving dogs high doses of Kombucha may lead to side effects like digestive distress and more. In addition, dogs should only drink unflavored Kombucha. Flavored Kombucha may contain additional ingredients that are not suitable for dogs. In the next parts, we will cover these topics in more detail.

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Can Dogs Drink Kombucha
You can incorporate kombucha to your dog's food

How To Give Dogs Kombucha

Like other animals, some dogs can also be picky eaters. While some dogs may drink Kombucha directly from a spoon or cup, some may have a difficult time adjusting to this beverage. Hence, we list some of the easiest ways to help your dog get accustomed to drinking Kombucha.

  • Add Kombucha to your dog’s water 

Try adding little amounts of Kombucha to your dog’s water to dilute it and make it taste less strong. When your pooch gets accustomed to the taste, you may try adding more amounts of Kombucha. Just make sure to only give the right Kombucha dosage for your dog.

  • Give your dogs a SCOBY snack  

The SCOBY or Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast is the pellicle that kickstarts the fermentation of Kombucha. When the SCOBY ages and gets weak for fermentation, they may be reused for various purposes including making dog snacks. To make SCOBY dog snacks, simply cut the SCOBY into pieces and dehydrate them.

SCOBYs are healthy and are great sources of fiber and probiotics for dogs. If your dog doesn’t like SCOBY, don’t worry because there are other ways you can do to repurpose a SCOBY so it won’t go to waste.

  • Add Kombucha to your dog’s food

You may add some Kombucha when you are hydrating your dog’s food. You may also add Kombucha to their wet or fresh food. The taste of their food can help lessen the taste of Kombucha so you can give them Kombucha without any difficulties.

Dos and Don’ts When Giving Dogs Kombucha

Can Dogs Drink Kombucha
Don't give kombucha to your sick dog

While Kombucha is generally safe for dogs, it may still pose some danger to your little pooch when not given correctly.

If you are planning to give your dogs Kombucha soon, here are the dos and don’ts that you should take note of.

  • Do incorporate Kombucha into your dog’s diet gradually 

While some dogs don’t have a problem eating almost any food you give them, some dogs may have a different reaction. If your dog is a picky eater, it is best to give them some time to adjust to Kombucha’s taste. In addition, this will also help their body adjust to the probiotics and other components of Kombucha properly. This will give you time to observe your dog’s body reaction to Kombucha as well.

  • Do give Kombucha in moderation

Kombucha has sugar, yeast, and black tea or green tea, which are ingredients that are not very ideal for dogs. For this reason, excessive consumption of Kombucha can lead to diarrhea, gas, bloating, or digestive discomfort in dogs. When your dog displays symptoms of digestive discomfort, discontinue giving them Kombucha and consult your vet immediately.

  • Do consult your veterinarian about the right Kombucha dosage for your dog 

The right Kombucha dosage for your dog may depend on their breed, size, and health condition. Hence, it is best to always ask your vet about giving your dog Kombucha to ensure safety as well as efficacy.

  • Do give your dog good-quality Kombucha produced in a controlled environment.

Kombucha is generally safe to drink, however, if not prepared correctly, it may harbor disease-causing microorganisms and molds. Molds produce mycotoxins that can be dangerous for both humans and dogs. When dogs ingest moldy Kombucha, they may experience seizures and tremors.

To avoid giving your dogs unsafe Kombucha, it is best to only give your dog good-quality Kombucha produced in a controlled environment.

  • Do not use flavored Kombucha

Always give your dogs plain Kombucha. Flavored Kombuchas typically contain added sugar and some flavorings that may not be ideal for dogs. Remember that not all Kombucha products are made equal. They can have various ingredients, potency, probiotic content, and effects on health. Hence, it is always wise to just use plain Kombucha for your dog’s safety.

  • Do not give your sick dog Kombucha

Despite being known for its amazing health benefits, Kombucha is not a medicine. If your dog is sick, we highly encourage you to consult the vet immediately and avoid trying alternative medicines. 

Kombucha Dosage for Dogs

Typically, it is safe to give medium to large dogs 1 to 2 oz. of Kombucha and small dogs 1 to 2 tsp. only. While this dosage is commonly used by many, we still recommend consulting your vet first for the proper Kombucha dosage for your dog.

What Happens If a Dog Drinks Kombucha?

When a dog drinks Kombucha, their gut health will improve as well as their immunity against diseases.

Kombucha is a healthy fermented beverage that has gained popularity due to its probiotic content. Probiotics are live bacteria that help aid in digestive health and relieve various digestive issues. They are known to be beneficial not just for humans but also to animals including dogs. Incorporating probiotic-packed foods into your dog’s diet can help protect them against harmful pathogens, improve their digestion and nutrient absorption, and boost their immune system.

In addition to probiotics, Kombucha contains antioxidants like vitamins E, A, C, and polyphenol compounds. Antioxidants are natural substances that can help prevent the negative effects of free radicals in the body. Giving your dog foods rich in antioxidants can help prevent chronic inflammation and restore muscle health. Antioxidants may also slow down your dog’s aging process and boost their immune system.

Apart from probiotics and antioxidants, Kombucha also has B vitamins which can boost the immune system of dogs and help regulate their cellular functions.

Who Should Not Drink Kombucha?

While Kombucha is generally safe to drink, some people are advised to avoid drinking this beverage. These people include the following:

  • Children 

Parents should avoid giving their kids Kombucha as it contains alcohol that may affect the development of their organs and functions like their brains, bones, and even hormones. If you really want to give a child Kombucha, only opt for pasteurized Kombucha as it has a lower alcohol percentage. In addition, take note to only give pasteurized Kombucha to children 4 years and older.

  • Pregnant women 

Kombucha contains alcohol and caffeine that can affect the fetus’ health. Alcohol may increase the risk of miscarriage while caffeine may affect the blood supply of the fetus and inhibit growth. The lack of pasteurization of Kombucha may also increase health risks.

  • Breastfeeding women 

The alcohol and caffeine in Kombucha are not ideal for breastfeeding women as well. Alcohol can pass to the baby through the mother’s breast milk. When the baby ingests alcohol, it may affect their sleep or digestion. Kombucha’s caffeine may also affect the child’s sleep while the mother may experience caffeine side effects like rapid heartbeat, restlessness, and more.

If you want to drink Kombucha while breastfeeding, you may opt for pasteurized Kombucha as it contains less alcohol and caffeine. It has also undergone pasteurization so you can feel more at ease and avoid ingesting possibly harmful microorganisms.

  • People with health conditions that weaken the immune system

While Kombucha’s yeast and bacteria are generally safe to ingest, people with health conditions that weaken their immune systems may experience adverse effects. These include allergic reactions, infections, and more. Some common health conditions that affect the immune system are the following:

  • Cancer
  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
  • Kidney Disease 

If you currently have any of the health conditions mentioned above, we highly recommend asking for your doctor’s advice first before drinking Kombucha.

Can Dogs Drink Kombucha
Kombucha may not be suitable for breastfeeding moms

Is Kombucha Toxic to the Liver?

The short answer is no. Although Kombucha is known to contain alcohol, the alcohol content in Kombucha is not enough to make it an intoxicating beverage. Typically, a Kombucha product only has 0.5% Alcohol by Volume (ABV). According to the US Tax and Trade Bureau, a beverage can be considered alcoholic when its  ABV exceeds 0.5%.

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Hi, we are Benga and Lunide. We are a couple with a passion for health and fitness. Lunide has competed in multiple running races and triathlons and Benga is a former collegiate track and field athlete who now maintains a workout regime to stay fit.  Read more

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