This Pear Ginger Kombucha recipe is for 1 gallon of Kombucha. 1gallon of Kombucha is enough to fill six 16 oz. fermentation bottles. If you have less or more Kombucha required in this recipe, adjustthe amount of the ingredients accordingly.
1 Mesh strain colander For the 2nd fermentation process
1 PBW cleaner To clean your bottles
2Pears ($1.52 per pound)
4tspsGinger ($1.02 tp $1.04 per pound)
Clean your bottlesClean your fermentation bottles with the bottlebrush kit and PBW cleaner. Make sure to clean, rinse, and dry your bottles thoroughly.
Prepare the pear and gingerCut your pears into small pieces. For more fiber content, cut anduse the pear with skin on. Grate your ginger after preparing your pears and setaside. You may use dry ground of powdered ginger. However, it can make your Kombucha taste more like ginger so only add 2 to 3 tsps of powderedginger.
Add the pear and ginger to your bottles orgrowlerYou can manually add your flavorings to your bottles or use thefunnel for more convenience.
Transfer the Kombucha liquid to your bottlesPlace the funnel on the mouth of your bottle and pour yourKombucha liquid. If you can, we suggest straining your Kombucha using a meshstrain colander or other filters to remove excess yeast. Make sure to leaveabout ½ to 1 inch of headspace to ensure good carbonation.
Ferment Cap your bottles tightly and ferment your flavored Kombucha atroom temperature, 60℉ to 85℉, for 3 to 14 days depending on the carbonation and your preferred taste. Temperature is important for Kombucha brewing so ifyou live in a cool place, use a heating mat to maintain the warm temperaturefor your Kombucha.
Store your finished Kombucha in therefrigerator When your bottled Kombucha finishes fermentation, transfer andstore your flavored Kombucha bottles to the refrigerator to slow down the fermentation process and preserve the flavor.
Serve and enjoy If you are uncomfortable drinking Kombucha residues, you can strain the Kombucha liquid before drinking.