This ginger turmeric beets Kombucha recipe is for 1 gallon ofKombucha. 1 gallon of Kombucha is enough to fill six 16 oz. fermentation bottles. If you have less or more Kombucha required in this recipe, adjustthe amount of the ingredients accordingly.
1 Mesh strain colander For the 2nd fermentation process
1 PBW cleaner To clean your bottles
1galKombuchaalready fermented
2cupbeets ($2.47 per 16 oz.)
4tbspfresh ginger ($0.90 per 0.25 lb.)
4tbspturmeric root ($4.10 per 1 oz.)
Clean your bottlesUse your bottle brush kit and PBW cleaner to clean your bottlesthoroughly. Make sure to rinse and dry your bottles completely aftercleaning.
Prepare the ginger, turmeric, and beets Chop your beets into small pieces or blend it to a puree to getmore flavor. For the ginger and turmeric, you can opt to chop or grate them.You may also use ginger and turmeric powder for more convenience. However, take note that using powder can give your flavored Kombucha more ginger and turmericflavor so we suggest adding only 2 to 3 tbsp of ginger and turmeric powder.
Add the ginger, turmeric, and beets to your bottles or growlerYou can manually add your flavorings to the mouth of the bottle oruse the funnel to make the task easier.
Fill your bottles with KombuchaUsing the funnel, transfer your Kombucha to your chosen F2 vessel.It is also ideal to strain your Kombucha using a mesh strain colander to filter excess yeast. Additionally, make sure to leave about ½ to 1 inch of headspacefor good carbonation buildup.
Ferment your flavored Kombucha Seal tightly and ferment your flavored Kombucha at 60℉ to 85℉ for 3 to 14 days depending on thecarbonation and your preferred taste. If you are fermenting in a cool place,you can use a heating mat to maintain the warm temperature for yourKombucha.
Store in the refrigerator Once you achieve your preferred taste and carbonation, move yourflavored Kombucha bottles to the refrigerator to inhibit the fermentationprocess.
Serve and enjoy When serving flavored Kombucha, you can opt to strain the liquid to remove the residues of the favorings used.